Saturday, August 30, 2008

First Chapters and First Week!

After reading the first 3 chapters, I'm finding that the text is really easy to follow. I particularly found the explanation of research methods in Chapter 2 interesting. I will have to do an ethnography for another Comm class and I could really understand how Kevin Costner in Dances with Wolves was doing just that! Observing, listening, taking notes, and emersing oneself into a culture sounds like a neat way to do research rather than just researching through texts and other's observations.

So far, my first week back has gone great! I completely agree... I'd much rather be in school (and not have to work). I have a new appreciation for school and if I could quit my job and just go to school, I would do it in a heartbeat. My daughter's first day was fun! We were the youngest parents in the group (making it a bit awkward, I'm not a "professional" yet) but my daughter didn't cry (like half of the other children) and she was very well-behaved. We'll see how week 2 goes...

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Hi everyone, I am pirateprincess! I'm returning to SJSU after a few years away. I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter who has the personality of a grown little lady. She starts preschool today and is very excited. I'm trying to remember my first day of school... yea, I don't remember much of it. Well, I'm looking forward to this class and continuing on my journey here at SJSU!